Saturday, August 11, 2007

Week 8, Thing 19: Explore any site from the Web 2.0 awards list, play with it and write a blog post about your findings.

I went to: Award Categories
then: Games
and I played a game of Fleabag Vs Mutt, a fun little game where a cat and dog duke it out throwing empty tin cans and dog bones at one another. Winner is he who lasts longest and inflicts most damage on the opponent! FUN! The only real value to such a site is entertainment, but hey, if I may paraphrase from the FCPL mission statement: " provide for the educational, informational, and entertainment needs of the community..." So yeah, it's all good. A number of the award winners could certainly asssit in refernce work, for instance, Mapping:
when some patron asks for directions.

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